Saturday, November 12, 2011

The 20 Most Innovative Startups In Tech

the following link contains the 20 most innovative start-ups in tech:

Personally , I think , at least 50% of those are not going to fly. However , all of those have made it successfully to raise some money which is surprising, but, what is even more surprising is that how innovation can be in one of the simplest form possible.  That is taking something that we all know , and put it in a different use , probably tweak it a little.
In all those innovative start-ups , there was notthing that is completely new. This is such a great news for all of us, since being innovators and entrepreneurs know has become closer. Closer in a sense that one just needs to use whatever is already available to put in a better use.
The best example is illustrate this is to look when the use of check list in industrial setting started vs when it started inside the operation (surgery) room in hospitals!


  1. Nice post, I agree with you nothing from the 20 Startup ideas are new. Despite the fact they are innovative because took an existing product/service and created a different kind of value.
    Lets do not forget that today we live in an era of OPEN INNOVATION were other people/companies do most work and R&D, and others collect the fruits of innovation.

  2. but should that stop us from pursuing innovation? I guess it is not the case. We should strive to innovate , but otherwise , we will be obsolete sooner than we think
