Friday, October 14, 2011

comment on New Research Study Uncovers Product Innovation Challenges Facing Consumer Goods Manufacturers article

the article can be found at this link:

First , we need to be smart enough to know that there might be a bias in this study , "author bias" as they call it in the academia world. This study has been prepared by two bodies , one of them is a software solutions provider, this should be clear from the first recommendation they provided ( Information gaps that undercut new product investments), this by no means that I am saying this study is not valuable.

I would liek to challenge tha following qute:
"The good news is that solutions to these challenges are within nearly every company’s reach". I guess this is under estimating the challenge to be providing an innovative product. This, by definition, is contradicting with simplest innovation principles. In other words , if everyone of us is able to provide an innovative product , then we must have understood innovation incorrectly.

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