Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Customer Relationship:
The effort made by Apple should be difficult to see when a person see how Apple computer users (and others) are in love with all apple products, even if those people don’t won any of apple products. In shorter words, Apple customers are very loyal and it is clear since they pay much more money to own purchasing them. Apple’s customers have a higher switching costs than all in the same categories, in the field of iTunes , I really know no real competition players yet.
Customer cerements
High-end Mass market
Internet (through Apple website), Apple stores, and retailers
Revenue Streams:
High-volume content revenue
 Music over the Internet that can be download at anytime, anywhere.
Key activities
Apple has Hard and soft ware products, coupled with excellent marketing and sales forces. Actually this excellent is shown throughout the Supply chain management
Key resources:
·      Great collection and extensive  /up to date content.
·      Agreements
·      Itune software
·      And above all, Apple brand 
I think of Apple as the gold standard when excellence to be measured for companies that has physical products. This is a result of all the integrated effort in all department of this firm. Yet, what I belive is the strongest is the strategic management has has fully digested their business model , not even that , but , they added adaptability to it ...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Strategy and the internet

I see Internet is the media through which almost all business are to done through. It is like the traditional market meaning. As the Sutherland mentioned , it is not an option any more . It is a matter of a survival , can you imagine a bank without an online service?. However, this view can be turned upside down , by looking at Internet as chance not as a change. For example , Internet has changed the way procurement done. Nowadays , almost each company has equal access to all providers , which -in general - better than the old way of doing procurement business.
just s minor hint for all company , if you still serving customers like those you used to serve before 30 years , then ok you can just ignore the internet , but I know you know that people now are different , then you should do the business as the way people likes you to do

TRIZ is the QUIZ

      I tried to the best of my knowledge , all of it ( I am engineering background) , but I could not get 1 millimeter ahead of understanding the what is TRIZ about. I tried to explore the website , but no progress. Either i am at higher level that I cannot understand trivial things, or I have lost all the knowledge I gained in my studies, or - and probably the case - I have explored it at a late hour when I am supposed to be in my bed.

That was my way of saying it is very complicated 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fist Blog in ETR 500 , actually it is he first ever!

            I used to think that innovation can partially means freedom from structured steps and procedures. This thought ignites, still raising a lot of questions when reading materials like the ones required for this assignment. If innovation / creativity is about throwing old ways of doing things and “experimenting” doing them in new (better!) ways. If that is being agreed upon, then how can a structured way (whatever it is called) leads to innovating a new products, services and or spaces. I have to be honest and reveal my fear that I have when I am about to taking any form of training in Innovation and creativity. This fear is that I am going to lose the natural innovative approach and thinking (I have the right to claim that I naturally innovate)